
This page has been developed by the students of The Faculty of Foreign Languages as a part of the course “American Literature”. In our articles we analyse the stories we’ve read during our American Literature classes. They are: “MS. Found in a Bottle”, “The Cask of Amontillado”, and “The Purloined Letter”. In these stories the author used combination of literary techniques that allowed him to reveal his talent of short-story writing and to fulfil his aim of creating “unique single effect”. Poe created exciting plots, truthful characters, used a lot of symbols and allegories, played with colour and light and applied a lot of other techniques to make his works thrilling, interesting and vivid. One of the most important among them is narration, because either explicitly or implicitly it always influences the reader. We perceive the plot, the characters and the whole book through narration, we sometimes do not even notice how the manner of narration shapes our understanding of the book and our interest in it. That is why it is essential for a writer to choose the right way of presenting his story.

We’ve included articles on Poe’s methods of narration, on the symbols and allegories we find in short stories, on the role (psychological and symbolic) colour and light plays in the “MS. Found in a Bottle”, “The Cask of Amontillado”. We have also included a short biography (childhood and adult years) of E.A. Poe to provide the readers with the historical background information.

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